Nonstop drama is rolling out of the Goodlyfe crew since their manager Chagga (Goffrey Kyagambidwa), in an interview with Sqoop, revealed that Weasel had...
Robert Ngabirano, like many other residents of Nyakayojo division Mbarara municipality woke up early morning to make his way to Kakyeka Stadium. Normally he...
Socialite Bryan White, real name Brian Kirumira, has launched the Bryan white foundation in Mbarara on Saturday March 10 where schools and the needy...
Ride or die: Musician Weasel, the only remaining half of the Good lyfe crew has gone against his manager, Chagga’s warning and accompanied socialite...
TOUGH TIMES: Chagga, real name Geoffrey Kyagambidwa, has been the Goodlyfe manager since 2015. However since the death of Mowzey Radio last month, things...