Despite Lydia Jazmine having a successful maiden concert recently, some prominent artiste managers never wanted it to happen, according to Nina Roz. The Billboard...
Legendary Ugandan Hip-Hop artiste Daniel Kigozi alias Navio has unveiled his Navio X Project Cultural Hip-Hop Album Kampala. This is the first Cultural Hip-Hop...
Roast and Rhyme’s 20th edition was headlined by dancehall artiste Cindy Sanyu. Her performance was memorable, but there was something peculiar about her as...
The quarterly Roast and Rhyme experience kicked off this year’s experiences with its 20th anniversary celebration at Jahazi Pier Munyonyo in Bell Lager sponsored...
Unconfirmed reports have been circulating all over Social media indicating that musician Catherine Kusaasira was flown out the country to seek special treatment. These...
Last year, Tororo Woman MP Sarah Opendi proposed the 2023 Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill in Uganda but besides affecting brewery companies, this Bill will...
After months under detention in UAE, Dancehall singer Beenie Gunter real name Crescent Baguma has returned home. Beenie Gunter silently returned earlier today and...