With Idris Elba leading an impressive all-black cast and Jay-Z among the producers, the premiere of Netflix’s reimagined western “The Harder They Fall” opened...
Ugandan music promoter Abbey Musinguzi popularly known as Abitex, has asked security agencies to arrest the chairperson of Uganda Bloggers Association, Ibrahim Tusubira...
Ugandan veteran rapper Rocky Giant who is battling drug addiction has appealed to Ugandan philanthropists to come to his recuse after being stuck in...
After the imprisonment of Next Media’s Isaac Kawalya Ssemulondo alias Kaiyz, Bryan Kennedy Waako, and Williams Makuliro, there have been mixed reactions in the...
Comedian and content creator Eric Omondi has given Kenyans a tour of what he says is his seven-bedroomed mansion. The popular funnyman explained that...
Tanzanian singer Diamond Platnumz stands accused of ‘faking’ his riches by his former manager. Ostaz Juma Na Musoma, who’s harnessed a reputation in the...
South African-based Ugandan Socialite and businesswoman, Zari Hassan has left social media buzzing in Uganda after a photo that appeared to show her locking...