Director: Kim Farrant Genre: Thriller Episodes: 88 minutes Cast: Leighton Meester, Christina Wolfe, Ziad Bakri, Luke Norris, Amar Bukvi? Now streaming on Netflix The...
Singer APass and TV personality Samson Kasumba have agreed to stay away from anything related to Sheilla Nduhukire after learning that the National Medical...
The director of Netflix’s new Kanye West documentary was left disappointed — though not surprised — by the controversial rapper’s last-minute demand to recut...
Uganda’s party scene came back to life after almost two years of Covid-19 imposed lockdown. Afrigo Band took full advantage of the reopening, staging...
The Ugandan singer-songwriter, guitarist and music producer J.C. Muyonjo has released his fourth album Afrosphere that explores different afro-pop rhythms merged with rich melodies...
Kampala, Uganda’s capital and East Africa’s high octane entertainment centre, roared back to life, as the government removed restrictions that barred all social and...
Superstar Rihanna revealed her baby bump in Harlem over the weekend, dropping the news that she is pregnant with her first child. The entertainment and fashion...