Ugandan media personality, deejay, and emcee Etania Mutoni has officially announced her departure from the popular reality TV show Kampala Crème, bringing her two-season...
Gloria Aminat, the founder of Bora Minds Foundation, counselor, author, preacher, mentor, public speaker, and mental wellness advocate, has released her Book, ‘Out Of...
Amid allegations surrounding American hip hop icon Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs, with several celebrities being linked to his controversies, Babu Tale, the manager of Bongo...
Tension has been brewing between two partistes, Big Eye and Eddy Kenzo, the president of the Uganda National Musicians Federation. The friction between the...
Popular South African fitness trainer Nkululeko Zane Dlamini, better known as the ‘King of Squats’, has opened up about his ripped physique, especially his...