Last night, Aura transformed into a dazzling epicenter of music, luxury, and extravagance as the One Man One Bottle event, hosted by the charismatic...
Like every year, streaming platform Spotify has unveiled its annual rankings, highlighting the most streamed artists in Uganda for 2024. According to Spotify, Joshua...
After years of guarding her love life with utmost secrecy, Ugandan influencer, beautician, model, and fashionista Bettinah Tianah—born Betty Nassali—has finally opened the door...
Singer Gen Mega Dee, born Amos Kigenyi, has reached a significant milestone in his life by achieving all necessary certifications to be recognized as...
As the world gravitates towards the ease technology has made in accessing information, Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) in partnership with TotalEnergies EP Uganda, launched an...
British-Ugandan actor Daniel Kaluuya was recently honored with a statue in Leicester Square, London, commemorating his unforgettable role in the psychological thriller Get Out....
Faridah Nakazibwe, the beloved media personality, recently celebrated the arrival of her baby boy this past May, marking a joyous milestone in her life...