In a groundbreaking move to uplift Uganda’s film industry and empower young women, Reach a Hand Uganda (RAHU), in collaboration with Sauti Plus Media...
In response to the alarming rise in HIV/AIDS infections and teenage pregnancies in Kasese District, Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU) and Save the Children...
Imagine a sunny Saturday morning in Kampala, the lively Kati Kati Grounds buzzing with excitement as young women, mentors, and leaders gather to celebrate...
Ahead of their concert at Sheraton Hotel gardens, Blu*3 group members Jackie Chandiru, Lilian Mbabazi, and Cinderella Sanyu, in partnership with Reach A Hand...
Up-close. Professionally, John Mervins Kikonyogo trained as a teacher of Biology and Chemistry and along the way he has discovered many talents including music...
Globally, World AIDS Day is commemorated every December 1. Every year, Kansanga-based Reach A hand Uganda (RAHU), organizes the #iknowKati HIV/AIDS awareness concert which...