Cast: Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr Genre: Documentary/Biography Duration: 180 minutes Director: Christopher Nolan Showing in cinemas The story of...
The Emmy Awards have been postponed by almost four months, organizers said Thursday, as crippling strikes by Hollywood’s actors and writers drag on with...
Oscar-winning US actor Jamie Foxx said an unspecified medical emergency that thrust his health into the spotlight earlier this year sent him to “hell...
Hollywood actors were poised to go on strike Thursday, joining writers in the first industry-wide shutdown in 63 years after last-ditch talks failed, with...
‘Succession’, the HBO drama about an ultra-wealthy family fighting for control of a sinister media empire, led the nominations Wednesday for the Emmys –...
Disney has tapped top toon talents from across the African continent for the “Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire” a Disney Plus Original anthology of animated...