Director: Kenya Barris Genre: Comedy Duration: 118 minutes Cast: Jonah Hill, Lauren London, Eddie Murphy, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, David Duchovny, Nia Long Now streaming on...
Nathan Magoola, one of the most affluent Ugandan film producers, who has shaped and contributed to the revamp of the film industry through creations...
Surreal sci-fi flick “Everything Everywhere All At Once” topped the Oscar nominations Tuesday with 11, as Hollywood formally kicked off the race to the...
Created by: Stephen Herek Genre: Biographical drama Duration: 95 minutes Cast: Johnny Berchtold, Rob Lowe, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Nick Peine Now streaming on Netflix Dog...
Sheila Gashumba’s statements of how some people grew up watching ‘Kigenya Agenya’ and ‘That’s life Mwattu’ which defined their level in life got many...
Uganda got its first shot at the Oscars this year with Morris Mugisha’s ‘Temebele’ making the shortlist in the International Feature Film category. But...
US actor Kristen Stewart will in February head up the jury at Berlin’s international film festival, Europe’s first major cinema showcase of the year,...