A growing tension between socialite Zari Hassan and her husband Shakib Lutaaya has captured the attention of social media, sparking widespread discussion over the...
In November, through a tweet, controversial model Doreen Kabareebe revealed that she was seeing someone special and was looking forward to settling into her...
Since the lockdown got lifted, Uganda has been blessed with several film productions. ‘Beneath Beauty’, a film by renowned actress Aisha Komuhangi is among...
Sheebah Karungi has previously referred to herself as a proud ‘nakyeyombekedde’, loosely translated as a spinster. At the time she said this, we thought...
Entebbe Chief Magistrate’s Court has summoned Pastor Aloysious Bujjingo of House of Prayer Ministries International to answer to charges of allegedly getting into a...
One of Uganda’s most prominent fashion designers, Fatumah Nakaziba a.k.a Fatumah Asha is officially married. Widely known for her glamorous wedding and red-carpet outfits...