Events Low turn up but good vibes at Sauce of the Nile Festival There was a lot of expectations at the inaugural Sauce of the Nile Festival at the Nile Park Resort in Jinja. According to the... Isaac SsejjombweMarch 3, 2025
Events Maddox Sematimba, Henry Tigan to headline Reggae on the Nile 2022 has seen the return of many events after a lockdown of two years and among those events making a return is Reggae on... Isaac SsejjombweOctober 1, 2022
Four One One UG Records making comeback with Henry Tigan For the ardent Ugandan music lovers, the name UG Records rings a bell because it was the record label that was responsible for Rabadaba’s... sqoopadminFebruary 16, 2018
Events Tshaka saves reggae as Tigan, Rabadaba, Ziggy Dee cause nostalgia It is always alleged that reggae music is one of the most appreciated and thus mimicked music genre in Uganda. Apparently, with the technological... Andrew KaggwaFebruary 12, 2018
Events Henry Tigan attempts to resurrect career with Webale Mukama concert It was 11 pm and enthusiastic fans were tipping singer Henry Tigan with whatever money they had. Notes ranging from Shs1000 to Shs5000 were... Edgar BatteNovember 27, 2017
Four One One The Music Video: Voom Voom – Henry Tigan Is it me or our artistes flirting around with the zouk sound? Iryn Namubiru had Birowoozo that was heavy with a zouk feel to... sqoopadminJune 25, 2012