In a groundbreaking move to uplift Uganda’s film industry and empower young women, Reach a Hand Uganda (RAHU), in collaboration with Sauti Plus Media...
While addressing filmmakers at MoTIV on Friday, Richard Mulindwa – a multi-award-winning film producer, writer, and director called for mentorship among young actors, directors,...
The government of Uganda through the Ministry of Gender, Labour and social development together with the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Education,...
Ugandan filmmakers have not gotten a chance to have a physical conversation with American actor Terrence Howard. While rumors claim that meeting the filmmaker...
Filmmakers in Uganda have come together and organized a fundraising movies screening show dubbed stars for a star to save actor, screenwriter, director, producer,...
Last year, MultiChoice Africa launched the continental-wide Talent Factory as a move to train young filmmakers. Consisting of 60 students across Africa, they were...