Comedians Sammie and Shawa have faced backlash on social media following their recent mimicry of popular musician-turned-politician Bobi Wine. The duo performed a skit...
On Sunday, Yenze Theatre Conservatoire premiered its debut documentary on YouTube. It is not every day that we are excited about content on YouTube,...
Multiaward-winning South African Amapiano singer-songwriter Amos Babili Shili aka singer Aymos has released his highly awaited album, “Impilo.” Impilo’s release in Johannesburg on August...
Popular comedian Herbert Ssegujja, commonly known as Teacher Mpamire, has expressed his disappointment with fellow comedians who fail to set boundaries in their work....
Nutty Neithan rarely performs at events but last Friday evening, he turned up for Acidic Vokoz’s ‘Ndi Musoga’ concert at Cricket Oval. Unfortunately, he...