Created By: Nick Santora Genre: Action Comedy Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Monica Barbaro, Fabiana Udenio, Milan Carter, Gabriel Luna, Fortune Feimster Duration: 8 Episodes, 45-59...
Ugandans will always remember the 16th season of Britain’s Got Talent thanks to the Triplets Ghetto Kids. After being taken straight to the semifinals...
Usually, the woman’s parents set the bride price for their child during the introduction ceremony. However, Tanui Bryan didn’t have to wait for Doreen...
Patience Komuhangi Uwase from Elite High School was crowned Miss Teen and Asiimire Isabell Nyangoma from Immaculate Heart Girls’ School was chosen as Miss...
Journalist Olivia Komugisha has announced her departure from Nation Media Group’s television station, NTV Uganda. On Monday evening, she announced via Twitter that May...
If there is one element that always brings people together, it is food. A celebration, merry-making and gathering will always be considered successful if...