Faridah Nakazibwe, the beloved media personality, recently celebrated the arrival of her baby boy this past May, marking a joyous milestone in her life...
Faridah Nakazibwe branded Bugingo Hannington as the most ‘unfunny’ among the Fun Factory comedians and after days of a verbal exchange on social media,...
On Friday during the national prayer breakfast meeting at Sheraton Hotel, the women in Parliament appreciated Nation Media Group’s Faridah Nakazibwe’s consistency and integrity...
In a pursuit to mentor the next breed of journalists, media personality Douglas Lwanga is using his latest innovation, the Purple Skills Klinic Foundation,...
With the Coronavirus numbers surging every passing day, some bars have continued to host partygoers behind closed doors despite the president’s directive for all...
Previously, it was Malaika Nnyanzi, Siima Sabitti, Sarah Kizito, and Sheila Salta that were entrusted with being Chipper Cash ambassadors but not anymore. The...