Director: Stuart McDonald Genre: Interactive Romantic Comedy Cast: Laura Marano as Cami, Avan Jogia as Rex, Jordi Webber as Jack, Scott Michael Foster as...
SHEER PERFECTION: These lightweight, elegant pieces have the power to transform your wardrobe, either for business or casual event. Comfort should always be a...
FACE-OFF: Uganda has witnessed three music battles; Chameleone against Bobi Wine at Kati Kati, Bebe Cool vs Bobi Wine and Goodlyfe against Bebe Cool....
Television Presenter Annet Nambooze aka Anna Talia Oze was among the hundreds who Graduated from Victoria University this morning. She graduated with a Master’s...
After months of searching, boot camp, and regional tours, the Miss Tourism beauty pageant came to a climax last Saturday morning with Sironko’s Nabukonde...
The Stambic Soul-RnB and Wine Safari has returned and is happening scheduled for October 7, at Mestil Hotel Gardens. Addressing the music and entertainment...
The Imara Girls Festival, a resounding celebration dedicated to uplifting and amplifying the voices of young girls in the country is happening this Saturday...