Renowned businessman Williams Bugeme, famously known as Boss Mutoto, has been elected as the President of Congolese residing in the Ugandan Diaspora. In a...
While being hosted on Galaxy TV’s Evening Rush programme, renowned artiste, producer Daddy Andre real names Andrew Ojambo discredited fellow producer Martin Musoke alias...
Parliament’s ICT Committee has described as unreasonable the demands by artistes to have 90 percent of their content to command airspace in Uganda. According...
Renowned comedian Patrick Salvado is currently mourning the passing of his father Dawa Lawrence, who bravely battled a mysterious illness. The sad news was...
Smirnoff re-energised the MTN Pulse Weekendi plot with the new exciting Smirnoff Pineapple Punch and Guarana flavours at Nalikka Hostel in Kikoni last Saturday....
Singer Jose Chameleon’s ex-wife, Daniella Atim, has sparked a social media debate on domestic violence after she shared on X her personal experience...