Nonstop drama is rolling out of the Goodlyfe crew since their manager Chagga (Goffrey Kyagambidwa), in an interview with Sqoop, revealed that Weasel had...
Makerere University students have gone to the polls today to elect their new guild president. But before the voting started, the Vice Chancellor Prof...
Hubert de Givenchy, the aristocratic French fashion designer famous for the “Little black dress” and styling Audrey Hepburn and Jackie Kennedy, has died aged...
It was all fun and games as a couple of Ugandans girls begun trending the hashtag #FinePeopleFromUganda accompanied with pictures of themselves that they...
Robert Ngabirano, like many other residents of Nyakayojo division Mbarara municipality woke up early morning to make his way to Kakyeka Stadium. Normally he...
TOUGH TIMES: Chagga, real name Geoffrey Kyagambidwa, has been the Goodlyfe manager since 2015. However since the death of Mowzey Radio last month, things...