Speke Hotel has released evidence, supposedly pinning renowned City socialite Sheila Nadege also known as Don Zella, days after she ran to authorities claiming...
Mikie Wine has dropped a new song dubbed ‘Umbrella‘ featuring his siblings Chairman Nyanzi, Eddy Yawe, Dax Vibez, and Irene Kayemba. Being an ardent...
TALKING FASHION. New York based Ugandan Fashion Designer, Joe Malaika recently unveiled his holiday collection. Welcome to 2021 people! To be honest, making it...
After his first initiative of MEMA awards, self-proclaimed ‘Ghetto president’ Mark Bugembe aka Buchaman, and his wife Maama Ghetto have come out with another...
The fourth studio album which is also the second major-label album from titled ‘Made In Lagos’ has re-entered the Billboard World Album chart. According...