Preparations for the upcoming Madrat and Chiko comedy show, set for October 8 at Sheraton Hotel Kampala, are in full swing, especially after Speaker...
The highly anticipated ‘My Journey’ concert by Ugandan R&B sensation Allan Toniks, which was originally scheduled to take place this weekend at the Sheraton...
Uganda’s top comedy duo, Madrat and Chiko, are set to commemorate a decade of comedy excellence with their highly anticipated Nseko Buseko comedy show,...
Mbarara’s heritage singer, Ray, kicked off the pre-Bell ObaFest festivities last Sunday at Soho Terrace Bar with a stellar performance that sent the crowd...
Silo 15 Lounge’s Daycation Brunch is fast becoming the new trendsetter for Sunday outings in Kampala. Yesterday’s edition (Sunday 29th) was proof of its...
Controversial Tamale Mirundi Junior, son of the deceased outspoken political commentator Tamale Mirundi, has found himself at odds with his own family...