Crowned Chief Enjoyments Officer (CEO) Abu Sufian Kimbugwe and some of the contestants were treated to extreme enjoyments at the recently concluded victory party...
Hip Hop artiste Daniel Kigozi popularly known as Navio had his 20-year-music concert last evening at Sheraton Hotel gardens. This concert was more than...
Upclose. Michael Osings, also known as Lanie Banks, says winning the award for Best New Rapper at the National Association of Nigerian Students Council...
Inside Uganda’s musical history, the seeds of rivalry were sown long before the recent clashes between contemporary artistes such as Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi...
Herman Basuude is considered one of Uganda’s greatest Kadongo Kamu artistes. His storytelling was out of this world and ranks alongside artistes such as...
Next year’s Golden Globes will take place January 7, the organization that bestows the entertainment awards said Thursday, in the wake of intense scrutiny...