The fondness Sauti Sol’s Bien-Aime Alusa Baraza has for his fiancée Chiki Kuruka cannot go unnoticed. In November 2022, he publicly credited her for...
Director: Marcus Adams Genre: Thriller Cast: Madalina Diana Ghenea, Ed Westwick, Ibrahima Gueye, Macarena Gómez, Stany Coppet Duration: 89 minutes Now streaming on Netflix...
Renowned comedian Maulana Kasozi of the comedy duo Reign and Maulana has been released from jail after spending two nights behind coolers on charges...
Bobi Wine has worn many hats — pop star, politician, and now, the star of an Oscar-nominated documentary, which the 41-year-old Ugandan credits with...
Yesterday, Gravity Omutujju invited several journalists to Busabala, where he surrendered land he said would house a free medical facility. “This is my land,...
With the words “Busabala Medical Centre” embroidered on his white coat, Gravity Omutujju surrendered his plot of land yesterday for the construction of a...