Created by: Guy Ritchie Genre: Action Comedy Cast: Theo James, Kaya Scodelario, Daniel Ings, Joely Richardson, Ray Winstone, Jasmine Blackborow, Giancarlo Esposito Duration: 8...
Veteran musician Juliana Kanyomozi offered some valuable advice to aspiring artistes during a recent conversation with Ruth Kalibbala Bwanika. Kanyomozi emphasized the importance of...
The Triplets Ghetto Kids were the only African creatives who performed at the 75th anniversary celebration of Commonwealth Service, held on Monday at Westminster...
Comedian Emmanuel Otim alias Napoleone Ehmah last year launched a project dubbed Empowering Youths Through Talent Building (EYOTAB). The project aimed at training and...
From Ryan Gosling’s show-stopping “I’m Just Ken” to calls for ceasefire, there were several stand-out moments at the 96th Oscars in Hollywood on Sunday....
Starting her quest for the world record on December 29, 2023, Ugandan environmentalist Faith Patricia Ariokot had already attempted to beat the same record...
Talent Africa Group, together with the Talent Africa Foundation hosted a remarkable Women’s Day together with Kampala’s socialites, media personnel, and esteemed guests to...