Director: Mouly Surya Genre: Action Thriller Cast: Jessica Alba Mark Webber, Jake Weary, Anthony Michael Hall, Kaiwi Lyman and Hari Dhillon Duration: 86 minutes...
Musician Derrick Ddungu, popularly known as Rickman, is set to make his film debut in the Ugandan biopic “Slum Bomber”, releasing in November. Rickman...
While addressing filmmakers at MoTIV on Friday, Richard Mulindwa – a multi-award-winning film producer, writer, and director called for mentorship among young actors, directors,...
The Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA) multipurpose hall was filled to capacity with excitement as hundreds of Indians from the Indian Community in Uganda and...
BREAKING THROUGH: For years, many upcountry artistes have found trouble tapping into city audiences. Could this be due to the concentration of financial, technical...