Created by: Stephen Herek Genre: Biographical drama Duration: 95 minutes Cast: Johnny Berchtold, Rob Lowe, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Nick Peine Now streaming on Netflix Dog...
‘Siri Regular‘ hit maker Spice Diana has assured western regional artistes of more collaborations as a way to uplift the western music industry. This...
There is a mentality that January is always the toughest month on the entertainment scene to hold shows. However, the comedy outfit ‘Comedicine’ staged...
Police yesterday issued new safety guidelines for event organisers to follow ahead of concerts. Addressing the media, the Police spokesperson said the guidelines are...
Events promoter and talent Manager Aly Allibhai and his wife and former Miss Uganda Sylvia Namutebi welcomed their second child on January 16, 2023....
A number of music lovers have taken to social media platform, Twitter to express their disappointment following what many termed as a “regular show”...
An 11-year-old vocally gifted songstress Leyna Kagere aka Leyna K has released a song titled “Bless my future”. Leyna K participated in the ‘East Africa Has Got...
By Thursday last week, the roofless gigantic stage mounted at Lugogo Cricket Oval for Spice Diana’s scheduled show was up. The 70-meter stage constructed...