Faridah Nakazibwe, the beloved media personality, recently celebrated the arrival of her baby boy this past May, marking a joyous milestone in her life...
Comedian and entertainer Bugingo Hannington is joyfully celebrating his 15th wedding anniversary with his beloved wife, Esther Bugingo. Taking to his social media platforms,...
A growing tension between socialite Zari Hassan and her husband Shakib Lutaaya has captured the attention of social media, sparking widespread discussion over the...
Daniella Atim has launched a YouTube channel where she plans to share her experiences during her relationship with singer Joseph Mayanja alias Jose Chameleone....
Yesterday, National Unity Platform Mobilisation Head Fred Nyanzi Ssentamu and his longtime love, Majorine Namukasa Katumba, became officially married. The couple held a colorful...
Roast and Rhyme’s 20th edition was headlined by dancehall artiste Cindy Sanyu. Her performance was memorable, but there was something peculiar about her as...