Renowned city events promoter, Balaam Barugahara has said his beef with singer-turned-politician MP Robert Kyagulanyi popularly known as Bobi Wine is because the latter...
Mowzey Radio’s mother has asked President Museveni to intervene and help handle the cases of people stealing her deceased son’s songs. Ms Jane Kasubo...
Tanzanian model and video vixen Hamisa Mobetto has confessed to ‘stealing’ another woman’s husband. This was after a woman identified as Tahiya shared a...
Mr Balaam Barugahara, the proprietor of Balam Promotions, a marketing and promotions agency, has distanced himself from reports that he registered ‘People Power’ word,...
Police in Kampala are investigating circumstances under which Maj Gen (Rtd) Kasirye Ggwanga allegedly shot at a car apparently belonging to the National Resistance...
Singer/politician Bobi Wine has hit back at events promoter Balaam Barugahare of Balam Events who confirmed that he registered an organization named ‘People Power’...
Michael Jackson’s family on Monday lashed out against a new documentary renewing focus on allegations the singer sexually abused young boys, calling the subsequent...