The National Unity Platform (NUP) and other critics accuse security agencies of applying the law selectively, primarily targeting Opposition supporters while allowing public figures...
Director: Stuart McDonald Genre: Interactive Romantic Comedy Cast: Laura Marano as Cami, Avan Jogia as Rex, Jordi Webber as Jack, Scott Michael Foster as...
‘Bilala’ loosely translated as ‘other things’ is Oma Afrikana’s latest single under Black Magic Entertainment, where he is signed. The love track is relatable,...
Taine is an independent Ugandan performer, self-taught songwriter, and record producer. Her performances tend to involve intricate movement, singing, and audience interaction. In the...
According to Malinga, Herderboy expounds on the legend of the Bachwezi, a mystical group of people who were said to be demigods possessing miraculous...