Police at Lira Central Police station have arrested a 28-year-old local artist manager for allegedly assaulting and maliciously damaging the musician’s vehicle. Musical manager...
After an intense and highly-competitive star search, Yaddah Wanjiku emerged the winner of the KFM ‘Who’s Got The Mic’ talent search that lasted more...
The police have arrested and detained a city businessman, Emmanuel Lwasa, on allegations of forging a mineral trading licence that he has allegedly been...
The Federation of Motocross Uganda (FMU), Speedway motorsport together with Luba Events yesterday launched the upcoming Central African Motocross challenge happening this Easter weekend...
Easter is a time to celebrate and enjoy that is why the Central African Motocross Challenge has organized some interesting activities for sports lovers....
Over the years, some things are pretty predictable about a calendar year in art. Talk about Makerere University’s Margaret Trowell always starting the year...
Prophet Elvis Mbonye There is feverish excitement among the Remnants and well-wishers as they prepare for the birthday celebrations of their leader,...
The Irish Society in Uganda Celebrated St Patrick’s Day; a holiday that celebrates Irish culture, heritage for three days starting last Thursday with Mr...