Police at Lira Central Police station have arrested a 28-year-old local artist manager for allegedly assaulting and maliciously damaging the musician’s vehicle. Musical manager...
After an intense and highly-competitive star search, Yaddah Wanjiku emerged the winner of the KFM ‘Who’s Got The Mic’ talent search that lasted more...
Last evening, musician King Saha held his ‘Biri Biri’ concert at Kyadondo rugby club. The highly anticipated concert was fairly attended but the People...
Controversial Sheikh Nuhu Muzaata Batte, the spokesperson of Kibuli Muslim Community has warned religious leaders against attacking Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi, aka Bobi...
Phoenix police are investigating possible sexual abuse at a nursing facility after a female patient recently became pregnant and gave birth. The woman, who...
Following Friday night’s handshake and hugs by two music archrivals Bebe Cool and Bobi Wine at singer Eddy Kenzo’s concert, internet has been buzzing....