Police at Lira Central Police station have arrested a 28-year-old local artist manager for allegedly assaulting and maliciously damaging the musician’s vehicle. Musical manager...
After an intense and highly-competitive star search, Yaddah Wanjiku emerged the winner of the KFM ‘Who’s Got The Mic’ talent search that lasted more...
Reigning Miss World Africa, Ms Quiin Abenakyo has been named as the chief runner for the second Makerere University Business School (Mubs) Alumni marathon...
A Tanzanian man was arrested in Bali after more than a kilogram of methamphetamine was found inside his stomach, Indonesian authorities said Tuesday....
Following a successful launch in October last year, the Tusker Malt Music Lounge in conjunction with Janzi, an Afro Fusion and contemporary world music...
Female Ugandan activists have since last Thursday been slamming a government supported campaign to use “curvy women” to attract tourists to the east African...
Drama ensued when followers of controversial Pastor Augustine Yiga, stormed Kawempe police Station demanding his immediate release after he spent the night in police...
Miss Curvy Uganda, the company behind the controversial Miss Curvy beauty pageant, has said 140 well-endowed women have registered for the contest set for...