Police at Lira Central Police station have arrested a 28-year-old local artist manager for allegedly assaulting and maliciously damaging the musician’s vehicle. Musical manager...
After an intense and highly-competitive star search, Yaddah Wanjiku emerged the winner of the KFM ‘Who’s Got The Mic’ talent search that lasted more...
Police is investigating circumstances under which Dorothy Shonga’s nude pictures were posted online. The socialite, currently undergoing a messy divorce from husband Herbert Shonga,...
An 80-year-old woman has enrolled for Primary One at Jesus is King Nursery and Primary School in Bugandalo Village, Ibulanku Sub-county in Bugweri District,...
President Yoweri Museveni on March 3 encouraged Indian film-makers to promote Uganda’s beauty and investment potential through films adding that government is willing to...
A visit by Indian movie industry heavy weights has been met with skepticism from Ugandan movie producers and directors. The producers are afraid that...
The Miss Curvy organiser has been invited to Makerere to defend her controversial beauty pageant as part of activities to mark the International Women’s...
Ryan Adams’ tour of Britain and Ireland has been cancelled, ticket retailer Ticketmaster said Friday, following accusations of abuse against the US alternative singer-songwriter....
LONDON, March 1 – The role of celebrities promoting charities in Africa has come under fire after a British politician accused a television presenter...
State minister for Tourism Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi has come under attack over his latest Tulambule tourism campaigns especially with the many tourism ambassadors and...