Police at Lira Central Police station have arrested a 28-year-old local artist manager for allegedly assaulting and maliciously damaging the musician’s vehicle. Musical manager...
After an intense and highly-competitive star search, Yaddah Wanjiku emerged the winner of the KFM ‘Who’s Got The Mic’ talent search that lasted more...
The tendency of politics falling into collision with the creative art industry didn’t start yesterday that even-though pundits assume that the banning of artiste...
If one performance can determine someone’s status, Joseph Mayanja (known to many as Jose Chameleone)’s performance yesterday at Roast and Rhyme clearly suggests that...
Jamaican Reggae Star Jamar Rolando McNaughton known by stage name Chronixx touched down the Ugandan soil yesterday. The 27 year old will be headlining...