Police at Lira Central Police station have arrested a 28-year-old local artist manager for allegedly assaulting and maliciously damaging the musician’s vehicle. Musical manager...
Days after events sound engineer and Disc jockey David Lule Bwanika aka Selector Davie was allegedly kidnapped by security operatives from his home in...
Musicians Hillary Kiyaga aka Dr Hildaman and Geofrey Lutaaya are in celebratory mood after emerging winners in last week’s Parliamentary elections. Dr Hildaman...
The Uganda Musicians Association president Wycliff Tugume alias Ykee Benda Tuesday took to social media to defend himself against allegations of rape that the...
Meghan Markle’s high-profile lawsuit against a British newspaper group for privacy and copyright breaches returns to court in London on Tuesday, with the duchess...
The Museveni Election Music Awards (MEMAs) that were organized mainly to upload singers who appreciate the works of President Museveni happened on Thursday 31st...
Earlier this week, artistes’ representatives under the Uganda National Forum went to the National Theatre to hold a peaceful demonstration over a stimulus fund...