Cast: Maurice Kirya, Michael Wawuyo Snr, Michael Wawuyo Jnr, Gladys Oyenbot, Rehema Nanfuka Director: Loukman Ali Genre: Thriller Duration: 120 Minutes Now streaming on...
Tusker Malt Lager’s online music property, Tusker Malt Conversessions, is set to kick-off its 2022 episodes with an edition by RnB crooner, Allan Toniks....
Fabiola forgives herself Socialite Anita Kyarimpa, aka Fabiola, has warned Ugandans off her family affair, saying she has already forgiven herself for any offence...
The highly-anticipated collaboration between Nigerian singer Fireboy DML and English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran is finally here with us. Fireboy DML and Ed Sheeran have...