Nathan Magoola, one of the most affluent Ugandan film producers, who has shaped and contributed to the revamp of the film industry through creations...
The first Smirnoff Unleash Your Edge Fiesta delivered massive vibes at the red-themed experience held yesterday at the Kampala Sheraton Gardens. As the sun...
Smirnoff Uganda’s first ‘Unleash Your Edge Fiesta’ is officially sold out, according to the organisers. The development follows a meet-and-greet cocktail experience between the...
The police of Adjumani district is holding three people on allegations of a shooting video at the Omi-Laropi landing site without permission. The three...
Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba commonly referred to as MK, has appointed veteran journalist Andrew Mwenda as the official spokesperson of the MK Army/Movement. MK Army...