Smirnoff has announced a new date for the Mbarara Smirnoff Fiesta, which is May 13, 2023, at University Inn. The Fiestas are countrywide experiences...
Her Royal Highness Nnaabagereka (Queen) Sylvia Nagginda Luswata’s autobiography will be released on March 23, 2023. The Nnaabagereka writes in the book’s prologue, “On...
After Chameleone’s successful Gwanga Mujje concert last Friday at Cricket Oval Lugogo, Bebe Cool is also contemplating his next concert at the same venue....
According to Events promoter Abby Musinguzi alias Abitex, Jose Chameleone’s Ggwanga Mujje stage that fell on February 10, helped him attract the bigger audience...
Kampala socialite Charles Olimu, alias Sipapa, and his wife Shamira Rukia Nakiyemba, were yesterday sent to the High Court to stand trial on charges...