The Remnant Generation, a Christian-based NGO with a focus on rescuing and restoring into society, survivors of sexual abuse and pregnant teenage girls in...
Ugandan freelance 3D and visual effects artist, animator, and comic book creator Solomon W. Jagwe says the high cost of producing animation, and lack...
Disclaimer: Events emcee, radio presenter and actor Patriko Mujuuka is a happily married man with children. That, however, has not stopped him from admiring...
Watching my fellow artistes line up themselves before #DictatorMuseveni’s brother General Salim Saleh to beg for handouts, my mind was taken back to the...
The journey: How the producer retained lyrics in broken Swahili, how the song struggled for a year, and Chameleone was demoralised, as Jacobs Odongo...
Last week several artistes were in Gulu City to meet with the coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation, Gen Salim Saleh seeking financial support. Among...