Renowned comedian Amooti Omubalanguzi, real name is Allan Mujuni, is preparing for a momentous celebration of his 25-year journey in the comedy industry. The...
Comedian and entertainer Bugingo Hannington is joyfully celebrating his 15th wedding anniversary with his beloved wife, Esther Bugingo. Taking to his social media platforms,...
In a recent live online video, popular Ugandan singer Geosteady addressed circulating rumors suggesting he is undergoing rehab for drug abuse. The singer expressed...
Patrick Mulwana, popularly known as Alien Skin, the founder of Fangone Forest Entertainment, has been under scrutiny for his alleged abrupt dismissal of rising...
Desire Nandijja, also known as Zayrababy, has emerged as one of Uganda’s most captivating content creators, taking the internet by storm with her dynamic...
Daniella Atim, the ex-wife of celebrated musician Chameleone, appears to have embraced a new chapter in her life. On Sunday, September 8, Daniella set...
Renowned Ugandan rapper Gravity Omutujju is maintaining an optimistic stance despite the disappointing turnout at his recent concert, which failed to draw the large...
In an era defined by digital transformation, few phenomena have captured the imagination of a global audience as rapidly as TikTok. Originating in China,...