The Judith Nahurira Foundation has played a pivotal role in transforming the lives of children affected by the devastating Kiteezi landslide. This tragic event...
The Bell ObaFest 2024 is back, promising an unforgettable three-day experience with an impressive lineup of Ugandan stars. Slated to run from October 18th...
Nature Ink Zayah, an Ugandan-born, Netherlands-based artiste, has officially unveiled his much-awaited EP, ‘Ekyombo’. This six-track collection masterfully blends reggae, dancehall, and Afrobeat, staying...
Strictly Soul is not just another music event, it’s a cultural movement that celebrates rhythm and blues in all its forms, bringing together thousands...
British-Ugandan actor Daniel Kaluuya was recently honored with a statue in Leicester Square, London, commemorating his unforgettable role in the psychological thriller Get Out....
Faridah Nakazibwe, the beloved media personality, recently celebrated the arrival of her baby boy this past May, marking a joyous milestone in her life...
“Favour” is an exciting and uplifting blend of Amapiano and gospel music, composed and performed by the talented and anointed Mungu Feni. This track...