Crowned Chief Enjoyments Officer (CEO) Abu Sufian Kimbugwe and some of the contestants were treated to extreme enjoyments at the recently concluded victory party...
Awarding the crowned Chief Enjoyments Officer (CEO) wasn’t all, Bell Lager is throwing a victory party this Saturday at Supremacy Lounge in Makerere, hosted...
Every year people world over including Zoe Ministries, friends, and partners gather to honour Prophet Elvis Mbonye in a fellowship. The prophet is mostly...
12-year-old gospel singer Rinic Jemimah has dropped a new gospel song dubbed ‘Zinawemaleyo’. In the song, the youngster is praising God for the good...
Taine is an independent Ugandan performer, self-taught songwriter, and record producer. Her performances tend to involve intricate movement, singing, and audience interaction. In the...