The iKon Awards are back for the second edition to recognise and reward exceptional players in Uganda’s Film and Television ecosystem who embody the...
Daphne Ampire Karema, an accomplished and well-known figure in the film industry with a decade of experience, announced the launch of her latest project,...
Nigerian superstar singer and songwriter Ric Hassani is scheduled to headline the return of the popular Shorts Na Lessu Music Festival aka Shonale, this...
The exceptionally talented Lilian Mbabazi takes centre stage in the third episode of the second season of the highly acclaimed Tusker Malt Conversessions, officially...
As we begin the new year with new resolutions, new beginnings and new outlooks, the number one video streaming show, Tusker Malt Conversessions, returns...
ABRYANZ and TRU iKON have joined forces to introduce a unique luxury fashion collaboration that equally imagines their ambition and exhibits their craft. Between...