According to comedian Patrick Salvador, he was on stage last year after organizing a comedy show for Daliso Chaponda, an international comedian who performed...
Tanqueray Gin in partnership with Le Chateau Brasserie Belge wound-up valentine’s celebrations with a special brunch edition, the garden of romance bottomless experience for...
Online music platform Tusker Malt Converssions has cut out a niche for serving exclusive live music performances and hearty conversations. Iconic music duo, Benon...
Since its inception eight years ago, Roast And Rhyme has showcased over 100 talented artistes and drawn in more than 50,000 enthusiastic revellers, solidifying...
Yesterday, Gravity Omutujju invited several journalists to Busabala, where he surrendered land he said would house a free medical facility. “This is my land,...
The 66th Annual Grammy Awards happened on Sunday at the Arena with many artistes adding the prestigious award to their collections while others...
It’s been a few weeks since the release of the official trailer for ‘Sabotage’ a rollercoaster drama set around a traditional wedding ceremony produced...
In the latest episode of Tusker Malt Conversessions, which aired on the Tusker Malt YouTube channel on Sunday February 4, music enthusiasts are treated...