Events Perfume Concert excites fans at the Fête de la Musique Sheraton Hotel Kampala has hosted many events this year but one has definitely stood out. Not because of the attendance, but because of the... Job BwireJune 23, 2017
Events Bebe Cool star-struck by US artiste Much as many Ugandan and African artistes are always excited whenever they meet Bebe Cool because of the years he’s managed to be on... Job BwireJune 23, 2017
Events I have never sold any shares of Uganda Entertainment Awards- C.E.O The Uganda Entertainment Awards which were introduced in 2015 are set to happen again this year. The Awards that are in the third edition... Job BwireJune 23, 2017
Features Aziz Azion’s video vixen killed by robbers As music Producer Danz Ku Mapeesa is slowly recovering after being attacked by thugs at his home in Kasubi, a Kampala suburb, a video... Job BwireJune 23, 2017
Features Pallaso cuts off dreads like Chameleone and Late Akay47 Singer Pallaso has cut his hair making him the third person in the family to get rid of dreadlocks. Pallaso who has lately been... Job BwireJune 23, 2017
Four One One What you did not know about The Ghetto kids For many, when you hear of The Ghetto Kids, the first thing that comes to your mind are the kids in Eddy Kenzo’s “Sitya... Job BwireJune 20, 2017
Four One One Tycoon SK Mbuga’s new ride causes him havoc City tycoon Suleiman Kabangala popularly known as S.K Mbuga is nursing serious injuries after he failed to negotiate a sharp corner with his new... Job BwireJune 19, 2017