After more than five years of dedicated service at NTV, celebrated news anchor Andrew Kyamagero bid farewell to his viewers during his final broadcast...
Hitboss Management, the label representing female artist Gloria Bugie, has released an official statement addressing the recent unauthorized release of a private video involving...
Gospel sensation Levixone is set to take his upcoming concert to Mbarara, thanks to the generous support of Mbarara-based musician Ray G. After convincing...
Over the weekend, several industry captains and business moguls were hosted at the picturesque Pineapple Bay Island for the relaunch of Blue Club. The...
Hon. Martin Mugarra Bahinduka, Uganda’s Minister of Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities, has shared the rationale behind selecting Kasese as the host for this year’s...
The United Kingdom’s leading ABBA tribute act, ABBA Re-Björn, lit up Kampala in their debut performance in Uganda, captivating fans with a two-day musical...