After over three weeks of dedicated work in Zanzibar on their first-ever all-star album, Swangz Avenue has officially released the lead single titled “God...
Preparations for the upcoming Madrat and Chiko comedy show, set for October 8 at Sheraton Hotel Kampala, are in full swing, especially after Speaker...
The highly anticipated ‘My Journey’ concert by Ugandan R&B sensation Allan Toniks, which was originally scheduled to take place this weekend at the Sheraton...
During Eddy Kenzo’s 10-year-music concert at Kampala Serena Hotel, he spoke highly of Bobi Wine, saying the popstar turned politician contributed highly to his...
Gloria Aminat, the founder of Bora Minds Foundation, counselor, author, preacher, mentor, public speaker, and mental wellness advocate, has released her Book, ‘Out Of...
Events promoter Nobart is in hot soup after Weasel decided to drag him to court. Nobart was behind Weasel’s just-concluded successful concert at Africana....