Bebe Cool, Weasel, Abeeka Band, Navio, Vampino, Party Pipo, Vinka, and Elijah Kitaka are the chosen Uganda artistes to perform the UB40 featuring Ali...
Renowned comedian Maulana Kasozi of the comedy duo Reign and Maulana has been released from jail after spending two nights behind coolers on charges...
With the words “Busabala Medical Centre” embroidered on his white coat, Gravity Omutujju surrendered his plot of land yesterday for the construction of a...
Pius Mayanja alias Pallaso recently released a song he did with Jamaican artiste Konshens. The song was recorded during Konshen’s four-day stay in Uganda...
After successfully filling up Africana people’s space last year, artiste Fik Fameica punched above his weight last Friday evening by holding yet again another...