Jennifer Musisi
She’s known to wield such a massive stick when it comes to reforming Kampala and today we report to you that the iron lady of Kampala, Jennifer Musisi is back at it again and this time music promoters and big concert venues are facing her wrath!
According to documents that got into our hands (don’t ask how they got into our hands!), letters from KCCA were written to the proprietors of the biggest venues in Kampala that hold concerts informing them to stop holding any outdoor events unless they get permits from KCCA and Nema for each event.
Kati Kati, Kyadondo Rugby Club, Hotel Africana and Kololo Gardens have already received letters banning them from holding concerts. This was apparently in reponse to numerous complaints from residents of Kololo, Naguru and the surrounding areas over noise pollution! Recently, the Battle of Champions between Bebe Cool and Bobi Wine at Kyadondo Rugby grounds ended past 4am. Radio and Weasel’s concert held last weekend at Hotel Africana ended at 1am.
Rumour has it that venues that will be given permits will be required to wind up the concerts by 10pm! Now usually that’s when a typical Kampala concert is starting.