Cast: Dylan Minnette, Odeya Rush, Jack Black, Ryan Lee, Amy Ryan, Jillian Bell
Director: Rob Letterman
Genre: Comedy horror
Duration: 103 minutes
Now showing: at Cinema Magic Metroplex Mall Naalya and Century Cinemax Acacia Mall Kisementi
G oosebumps oh Goosebumps — every book lover must have gone through these book series! Given how many books are in the series, it is hard to imagine what the movie would cover and what it will not. Since the movie is already upon us, we do not have to imagine how the director and writers worked it out.
After his mother gets a job at a school out of the city, Zach (Minnette) grudgingly becomes a resident of Madison – a far cry from exciting New York. However, after encountering his neighbours, he bites into more excitement than even the Big Apple would ever have to offer.
His neighbours are Hannah (Rush) and Mr Shivers (Black), who orders Zach to stay away from her. But you know how these things go. Such directives usually make guys more interested. Because of this interest, when Zach hears Hannah screaming one night, he calls the police. But the police don’t find anything suspicious and Zach is warned. But what is a police warning to a curious teenager. Using a bit of tricks, he gets into the Shivers residence, dragging his friend Champ (Lee) along. While there, he finds several Goosebumps manuscripts but Hannah warns him, rather late, not to open them.
It turns out that opening the manuscripts unleashes the monsters that give readers goosebumps. There is also more to Mr Shivers than meets the eye. Zach, Hannah, Champ and Mr Shivers set out to stop the monsters as they cause havoc over the small town.
Getting almost all the Goosebumps monsters in one movie was clever because if you have read enough books in the series, watching the movie is like visiting a theme park. If you are mildly interested in horrors that come without blood being splashed everywhere, you will enjoy it.