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I don’t have to be vulgar – Navio



Daniel Kigozi, better known to fans by his Hip Hop name, Navio, has been around for 20 years and the last year, according to him has been by far his busiest in music. It was also in the same year that he met his icon Nas. He tells us about that and a little sumn’about the future of Hip Hop and Ugandan music in general.

You look a bit worn out, what has been draining your energy?

I think it is from the schedule. Last year was a challenging year. In a normal year, I would do five to six significant milestones but it came close to 20 last year, which is weird because I did not actually drop many hits as far as being a musician is concerned. However, I still found myself occupied with everything that comes along with the music industry.

What has been on your plate the last 12 months?

We came out of the deal with UBL and thereafter started planning the 20 years of Navio Concert and the Grammy induction.
We got an invitation from the Grammies to represent East Africa for the 50 years of Hip Hop, alongside Nas and rappers from all over the planet.
We had a Hennessy deal, were taken to Basketball Africa League (BAL), the BAL NBA affiliate on the African continent. We were taken there to host the finale party and I was a spectator to all the games alongside President Kagame and a host of Hollywood talent.

We did the Navio X TV show which was based on tourism going all around Uganda and finding out about the cultures and at the end of every episode, we did songs so we ended up compiling those songs and made an album.
Later in the year, we were invited to the Jay- Z Museum in Brooklyn New York.They changed the library to kind of honour his work. Then we did a double release of Utajua Hujui. We also did the Motiv Music School where we were passing on knowledge to upcoming talent.


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